May 12, 2021
Spring 2021-Fertilizer and Important Information

SSRA Spring 2021 Important Information
All of us at the SSRA are excited that the summer season is almost here!
With the change of season, our Parks Team has been working hard to beautify the park. We know that now is the time of year many of you are doing the same with your lawns.
We wanted to remind you that the use of lawn fertilizer is prohibited for any properties on or near the lake. This is because of the damage it can do to the lake. Fertilizer is designed to increase plant growth, but unfortunately it can do the same to lake vegetation if the fertilizer runs off into the water.
Last year we removed over 19,000 pounds of weeds! This was done by hand with SSRA staff, mechanical weed harvesting and our divers! We have been working hard with our Environmental Consultants to create a plan to decrease plant growth in the lake for this year, and into the future.
Grass fertilization has been determined to be one of the biggest risks to the long-term health of our lake. Simply put, there is a reason that fertilization of grass on Lakeside and Lake Access homes is prohibited. We want the Lake to remain a pristine centrepiece to the community that residents can be proud of. In order to keep it that way into the future, everyone must act responsibly and refrain from using fertilizer on their lawn. Please keep this in mind as you do your spring yard maintenance.
However, we need your help! Fertilization is something very difficult for the SSRA to monitor. If you see your neighbors and other residents fertilizing, and feel comfortable speaking to them about the harm this causes, please do. Or report it to us so we can continue to educate our residents as needed.
Please let us know if you see anyone violating this policy.
In cases where our Team can identify a specific household that has been breaking this policy, and their specific actions have caused vegetation increase in that area of the lake, the SSRA may pursue financial compensation for the clean-up.
We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Lake Management Plan
We wanted to take the time to update the community that throughout the winter season, we’ve been working with contracted biologists and have been extensively discussing solutions to decrease plant and algae growth in the summer months. We value their education, experience and expertise, and will continue to follow the recommendations that they give to us.
New! Click Here for link to our biologists at Aquality’s video report.
(Also the link is on our webpage and our Facebook page.)
Ask our Biologist Program
We are also excited to announce that we have started our ‘Ask our Biologist’ program. If you have any questions regarding the lake or lake management plan, you can ask our experts directly by emailing us at . Your questions will then be forwarded to our biologists who will answer them by video approximately every 2 weeks.
Rock Around Docks
The SSRA staff has placed a layer of rock around all Lake Summerside owned docks. The potential benefits, according to our biologists, are that the rock can help reduce plant and algae growth by changing the substrate in these areas. It will also have aesthetic benefits, make for an easier lake cleaning process and bind phosphorus which could further help reduce vegetation growth.

We have had several residents that did ask about adding rock themselves. However, at this point, adding rock around personal docks is prohibited. Throughout the summer we will continue to work with our biologists, and if it is deemed beneficial the SSRA will work to create a program with the proper controls in place to allow for rock placement around these private dock areas.
Trespassing on Access Docks
We are aware that there are instances of people trespassing in the park and on shared access paths. The SSRA does patrol for this, but effective monitoring of trespassing is aided significantly if it is reported to us as soon as it happens, especially along shared access paths. We can then immediately send staff to address the situation. If you suspect someone is trespassing, please call our gatehouse at 780-756-6772. Starting in July, we have a security guard on patrol in the evenings and overnight after the park closes. Trespassing after park hours can be reported to the security guard by calling the same phone number above. Please make sure to bring your card with you to the dock, because staff will be asking anyone without their card to return to their homes to get it.
- Dogs must be on leash at all times. There are no off-leash areas.
- Dogs are not allowed in the water at any time. (Unless they are participating in our new Pooch Patrol program)
- Please keep to your shared dock allowing fair access to the homeowners of each shared dock.
- Please keep your own membership card with you as we continue to do card checks looking for trespassers.
- Please keep our office informed of any trespassers you see by calling the office 780-497-7558.
- Never put any fish (especially goldfish as they are a very invasive species) into the lake for any reason. Only the SSRA is permitted to stock the lake with fish. These controls are in place for the promotion of a positive fish ecosystem, and to prevent various fish diseases such as whirling disease.
- Dumping of anything into the lake (ex. Leaves, grass clippings, water etc.) is prohibited
- Our lake fish- Rainbow trout, brook trout, grass carp and perch.

Be careful with any water features in your yard that contain fish. Birds can grab fish out of these features, and potentially drop them into the lake. Be careful during any draining of these water features.
- If you see any species of fish that is not supposed to be in the lake, please inform the SSRA office immediately. Provide the location and take pictures if possible. If you can safely remove the fish, please do so.
- If you catch any fish that is not a species stocked by the SSRA (Perch), please do not place it back in the lake. Bring it to the office or gatehouse.
- Use of fertilizers are still not permitted on lake or lake access properties. They are a danger to your lake, increasing plant and algae growth.
Thank you for all your help to keep your lake beautiful!